Cats in Clothes : Quand des chats hipsters se font tirer le portrait

On 26 juillet 2013 by Jenny pour ARISTIDE

Votre félin a du style, naturellement. N’empêche que, vêtu d’un petit trenchcoat, d’une chemise de bucheron, d’un pull de ski vintage ou d’une jolie robe col claudine, il aurait carrément la classe.

C’est visiblement ce que s’est dit l’artiste américaine Heather Mattoon, auteure de la géniale série Cats In Clothes.


La cadeau bonus, c’est la petite histoire imaginée par l’artiste derrière chaque portrait: Harold, le concessionnaire de voitures fan de littérature science-fiction, Brewster qui déteste devoir marcher jusqu’à son école sous la neige, Rose qui adorerait jouer du violoncelle mais qui aimerait surtout que les ratons-laveurs arrêtent de bouffer les framboises de son jardin… Bref du 100% cool cats.

Brewster does not like walking to school in the snow.

Brewster does not like walking to school in the snow.

Alex is a bit of an awkward teenager. He wears this christmas sweater all year long and is desperately trying to start a band.

Alex is a bit of an awkward teenager. He wears this christmas sweater all year long and is desperately trying to start a band.

Rose is a hopeless romantic. She would love to someday play the cello and wishes the raccoons would stop eating the strawberries from her garden.

Rose is a hopeless romantic. She would love to someday play the cello and wishes the raccoons would stop eating the strawberries from her garden.

Henry is not yet a teenager but likes to hang around the older crowd to feel a little bit cooler. He is wearing his favorite pajama onesie.

Henry is not yet a teenager but likes to hang around the older crowd to feel a little bit cooler. He is wearing his favorite pajama onesie.

Vincent plays Football, or Soccer for Americans, he is European. He takes acting classes and loves his hoodie.

Vincent plays Football, or Soccer for Americans, he is European. He takes acting classes and loves his hoodie.

Margaret makes her own clothes and is currently working on christmas booties for her family and friends.

Margaret makes her own clothes and is currently working on christmas booties for her family and friends.

Chaque portrait est disponible sur le site en orginal artwork, en poster ou cartes postales.

Cats in Clothes Cats in Clothes Cats in Clothes Cats in Clothes

Et si vous voulez faire tirer le portrait de votre propre félin urbain, ci poussible ! Il vous faudra une photo de votre chat (et un chèque de 500$…ah oui quand même), ensuite vous cliquez ici.

ps: vous voulez en savoir plus? Retrouvez l’interview d’Heather Mattoon sur le très recommandable site US Catster 

pss: vous aimez ARISTIDE en secret ? Dites-lui secrètement ici ou laissez-lui votre email en home page !

2 Responses to “Cats in Clothes : Quand des chats hipsters se font tirer le portrait”

  • Vraiment chouette mais cher… 500 $ ! Cela rend très bien sur les photos. On ressent véritablement la chaleur féline, si je puis dire, qui de dégage dans la pièce parquetée. 😉

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